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Insurance Policy Number Definition and examples

health insurance policy number
The Insurance Policy number is part of the insurance policy structure which is generated uniquely to the insured and serves as an identification number to the Insurance Policy.

Insurance Policy Number is the unique number that identifies the insured to the insurance about the contract which is also termed as policyholder. Insurance number is different from the group number in a sense that the group number identifies a group of workers under a company or organization which has the same policy that benefits all insured holders.

Where can i find my Insurance Policy Number?

The policy number can be found on the health insurance card or any insurance card.  The health insurance card or most insurance cards are printed with some general standard information. When an insurance policy becomes effective, the insurance card is received by the insured. The health insurance card contains the following information:
  • The Name of the Health Insurance Company.
  • The Member Name or the insured.
  • The name of dependents if rectified on the forms.
  • A unique identification number of the insurance policy number.
  • The Group Number which identifies a specific of insured organization with a contract.
  • Group Name as in XYZ.. company.
  • The address of the insured
The following is an example of the ABC  health insurance policy card.

ABC insurance policy card

If the health insurance card is misplaced, a person may be denied service at a healthcare centre unless the card is produced. Some healthcare attendants can allow you to provide your insurance policy number which can be able to track your insurance company to verify your information.
You can normally find your policy number on your health insurance card.
You can normally find your policy number on your health insurance card.
You can normally find your policy number on your health insurance card.

Insurance Policy Definition

The insurance policy is a contract or an extensive standard contract form which is between the insured and the insurer. The insurance policy control, decide, regulate, direct and dictate claims which the insurance company is legally bound to pay to the insured.

What is an Insurance Claim?

The insurance claim is the law or statement of cause of action which states and set facts sufficient to justify a right to sue to obtain money, property, or the enforcement of a right against another party in the insurance policy.

Therefore knowing more about the insurance claims is very effective to a successful and valid insurance payment. However, insurance claims can be drafted with different levels of clauses and policies normally called a linguistic tower of babel. Before anyone signs an insurance contract, the claims and policy must be understood.

What is an Insurance Group Number?

The group number has multiple policy numbers associated with it as a single policy entity pertaining the group. The insurance policy number solely identifies an individual or entity and their family to a contract or policy holder. It also serves as a reference number which is connected to your file in the insurance agency.

Without the insurance policy number, any Doctor or Medical practitioner cannot  charge or bill the insurance company. Therefore your insurance number should be kept safe or even memorized if appropriate in case your insurance card get missing.

Different insurance companies identifies the policy number using a number format. The insurance company anyone belongs has a different identification policy number. The below images shows the examples of some of the top health insurance companies and their id cards with the policy numbers.

What is the purpose of a Policy Number?

The purpose of the policy number is to enable the insurance company and the healthcare agent to track the billing of the insured. The services rendered will be billed to the insurance company. Then the insurance company will use the policy number to pay the healthcare agent.

What to do when the insurance card or number of lost.

When the insurance card or you lost your policy number, the first thing to do is to call the insurance provider immediately. This first action helps to prevent fraud. It also helps to prevent future denial of health insurance services when needed.

What is an insurance policy card fraud?

Every individual has the right to a good and affordable medical care. Unfortunately some criminals use various fraud schemes to use other peoples medical insurance information to receive care and services without paying or billing to their own card. This can also be termed as medical identity theft. An investigation and study by the Ponemon Institute estimated about 1.5 million people in the United States have been victims of this crime.

If your insurance card get missing or someone get hold of your insurance policy number with your personal details, your insurance card can be used to receive medical services.
They can also be used to obtain money by falsifying claims or medical services. 

Steps to take to prevent insurance policy card fraud.

  • You should frequently request a copy of your prescription or medical claims history by contacting or calling your insurance provider. By reviewing your claims history you can pinpoint any fraud or prevent any further fraud.
  •  Guard your card. Loaning an insurance card or using an expired card to get medical care is fraud. So is keeping or putting someone on your contract who shouldn�t be there, like an ex-spouse.
  • Don�t rent when you can buy.  If you�re renting durable medical equipment, like a wheelchair or respirator, make sure you know the purchase price of the equipment. The rental company can�t keep billing you once your total rental payments exceed what it would cost to buy the equipment.

Is the Account Number the same as the policy number?

No, the account number is the 10 number digit which is associated with the SF payment plan. A person may or may not use a payment plan to combine various lines of business into one payment or to break up the payments into smaller amounts.

Structure and parts of an Insurance Policy

Early insurance policies had a tendency to be composed on the premise of each and every kind of risk (where risks were characterized to a great degree barely), and a different premium was ascertained and charged for each. This structure demonstrated unsustainable in the setting of the Second Industrial Revolution, in that a normal substantial aggregate may have many sorts of risks to guarantee against.

Insurers have been criticized in some quarters for the development of complex policies with layers of interactions between coverage clauses, conditions, exclusions, and exceptions to exclusions. It is therefore of the essence for the insured to be able to either read the clauses or hire a savvy lawyer to go through these complicated clauses. Most individuals or workers belong to a specific insurance domain or what is termed as a group policy contract. In this case these group is given a group policy number.

Parts of an Insurance Policy Contract.

Policy Declarations

The Declarations of an insurance contract recognizes, distinguish or identifies the insured client, his or her address, the company that is insuring the client, the properties and risks which are covered, the terminal points or boundaries of the amount of insurance, the deductions which will be applied, the premium amount and the period of the insurance policy. example of a policy declaration.

Policy Definitions

The definition defines and describes the important terms which are used in the language of the policy. The definition makes the policy clear and distinct describing every single information about the contract.

Insuring Agreement

The insuring agreement describes and accounts the relevant characteristics of the risk or the covered perils or the nature of the coverage about the insurer and the insured. It list all the guarantees and assurances of the insurance company.

Policy Exclusions

The policy exclusions describes the away coverage from the insuring agreement by pinpointing the  properties, risks, hazards and losses which when arises from specific events which will not be covered by the insurance company.

Policy Conditions

The policy conditions are provisions, duties and commitments, obligations and responsibilities, rules of conduct which are required for coverage. If the policy conditions are not me, the insuring company can deny the claim.

Policy Endorsements

The policy endorsements adds additional forms which are attached to the policy form. The endorsement form normally modifies the policy in some way not limited by the conditions or on the existence of a condition in the policy. Most policy endorsements are difficult to read for someone who is not a lawyer and therefore it is required to hire a lawyer if you are handling an organization or a company. 

Policy Jackets

The policy jacket is the cover, the envelope or binder with pockets in which the policy are delivered with.

Policy Rider

A policy rider is used to convey the terms of a policy amendment and the amendment thereby becomes part of the policy. Riders are dated and numbered so that both insurer and policyholder can determine provisions and the benefit level. Common riders to group medical plans involve name changes, change to eligible classes of employees, change in level of benefits, or the addition of a managed care arrangement such as an Health Maintenance Organization or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO).


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